Add your voice

Thank you for taking the time to explore our online exhibition!  If you have not yet viewed our five student researcher journeys and the six themes, please do this first and then return to this page.

This page offers an opportunity for anyone to add their voices to those that have already been featured in this exhibition. You are invited to add your own short contribution of your experiences around campus rape culture in the box below. Please do not share the experiences of others.

Your contribution should be no more than 550 characters, so as to fit with the approach of the exhibition. These contributions will be reviewed by the lead researchers before they go live.  If they fit with the focus, ethics and ethos of the site, they will be posted. Please keep your story anonymous in terms of your name or the names of other people. No racism, sexism, homophobia, other forms of hate speech, or contributions that can be interpreted as such will be posted. We will also remove any content that may put us in legal jeopardy. If these guidelines are not adhered to, we will be unable to publish it online.

Please note that this is not the place to put general comments about your experience of the online exhibition. To comment more generally, please click here.

This feature will only be available for the first 8 weeks of the online exhibition (until 30th November 2021) and the voices added will then become a permanent part of the ongoing website. We recommend that you do not use your real name, but that you choose a nickname.